Contemporary Practices of E-commerce in Bangladesh


  • Islam Sanjida Author



E-commerce, Automatic data collection systems, Internet marketing, Inventory management


E-commerce means buying and selling product and transmittal of the funds through electronic network. E-commerce consists of different technologies, including online fund transfer, electronic data interchange, Inventory management, Internet marketing, automated data collection systems, etc. The government of Bangladesh initiates lots of programs for enhancing the development of technologies in the field of business. The government also provides facilities for the business organization as well as other organizations to adopt digital technologies. There are both primary and secondary data used in this study. The research was conducted from January to May of 2021 surveying with a questionnaire involving 452 samples. Some simple statistical tools; pie-chart, bar diagram and tables were used to analyze data and present the result. The findings include use of social media for purchasing, purpose of use of internet, reliability of purchasing from internet, preference of mobile app, opinion about high speed internet, growth of e-commerce, purchase frequency and motivational factors for online purchase.


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