Cross-Border Paperless Trade: from Concept to Reality


  • Islam Nafees Imtiaz Author



Paperless Trade, Framework Agreement, Cross-Board paperless trade WTO, UNESCAP, SWS Trade Facilitation


Abstract.- Paperless trade is the practice and interchange of electronic data and commercial documents to support the trade transaction mechanism. This domain has aimed at facilitating the electronic exchange of information along international supply chains in regional trade initiatives. The paper attempts to provide an analysis by examining ’Framework Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-Border Paperless Trade in Asia and The Pacfic’. The research paper also highlights the trade facilitation initiative of UNESCAP and trade facilitation agreement of WTO. Bangladesh ratified this agreement on 2 September 2016 as the 94th member of the WTO and 12th amongst the Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Considering the [act the paper analyzes the probable impact o[ entering into the agreement o[ cross border paperless trade agreement o[ UNESCAP. The research paper also attempts to show the status o[trade [acilitation implementation measures, taken by Bangladesh Government and highlights TF initiatives like Single Window System (SWS), Container Management System (CTM), ASYCUDA World The paper also summarized with recommendation of signing the framework agreement at Bangladesh part in talnng part of increasing its international trade transactions. Emphasizing the importance of cross-border paperless trade, Bangladesh may take necessary steps to way forward and consider the agreement favorably.


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