Marketing Sports for Corporate Sponsorship: A Descriptive Literature Review of Sports Marketing by Sports Associations


  • Laboy , Jolly Junia Author



Sports marketing, Corporate sponsorship, Sports ecosystem, sports associations, Club publicity


National Sports Associations (NSAs) in developing countries such as the Philippines have long been known to be too reliant on government funding support making sports projects specific to city or province. To go beyond government boundaries, many sports associations have been encouraged to reach out to the private sector to seek financial assistance. In order words, the NSAs were being pushed to market their sports to possible benefactors, especially the corporate world. Sports marketing is thus studied. This investigation is a descriptive review of sports marketing studies found in online academic search engines covering the period from 2000-2019. The system of analyzing included themes-1) DESCRIBING SPORTS MARKETING, 2) institutional support ensuring success of sports marketing, 3) benefits on the practice of sports marketing, and 4) recommendations on the practice of sports marketing. The result of this research concluded the gaps on sports marketing studies involving its practice especially by the national sports associations


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